Roll for Reality

Watch official trailer

Enchanted meets New Girl:
A D&D player is shocked to discover that parts of their game are seeping into the real world.

We're EVVY Winners!

Outstanding Field
Television Series- Win

Deejay Castillo, Caitlin Farrell, Catherine Foy, Grace Rosenberg

Motion Graphics- Nominated

Zach Reichgut

Caitlin Farrell

Writer, director, exec. producer

Caitlin (she/they) wrote, co-directed, and stars as "Renadia."
She is an emerging writer, filmmaker, photographer and a senior pursuing a Bachelor of Arts from Emerson College. She loves navigating personal emotions and experiences through visual storytelling. With Roll for Reality, she is excited to tell a story about storytelling-- why we tell stories with games, and what we can learn about ourselves through roleplay.
When they're not on set, Caitlin works weekends at an escape room, and is an online content creator for D&D and cosplay.
She has a keen interest in the industry of immersive entertainment, including escape rooms, renaissance faires, museums, immersive art, Alternate Reality Games, and Live-Action Role-Play.

Catherine Foy

Codirector, exec. producer

Catherine (she/her) is a co-director and Executive Producer helping bring the enchanting world of Roll For Reality to life. With a lifelong love for storytelling and tabletop gaming, Catherine's passion drove her to produce this upcoming web series that seamlessly weaves Dungeons and Dragons into compelling narratives.

Deejay Castillo

Exec. Producer, Accessibility

Deejay (they/she) is obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Media Arts Production from Emerson College and is passionate about building accessible storytelling and curating works that reflect her identity and the world around her. They currently serve as the Chief Operating Officer for Dykes with Dice, a TTRPG show in development. Additionally, they work as an Executive Producer and Accessibility Coordinator for Emerson Channel’s first and only live play Dungeons & Dragons show, Hit Point Hall.
Originally from the Bronx, New York, she studies film in Boston and is now based in Massachusetts. She loves a good cozy read and long D&D session.

Gracie Rosenberg

Exec. Producer, Asst. Camera

Gracie (she/they) is a second year Media Arts Production major and Environmental Studies minor at Emerson College. Storytelling through table-top role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons brought them some of their strongest bonds, and she is eager to share that sense of joy and connection with others through Roll For Reality.
She is pursuing a career in documentary film as a means for environmental advocacy and marine conservation. Currently, though, they adore working with their friends on set to bring new stories to life in any capacity they can and treasure it as one of the most meaningful aspects of their college experience.

Zach Reichgut

Director of Photography

Zach (they/them) is currently a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA, and will be graduating in May 2024 with a BA in Media Arts Production. Their passion is in telling diverse stories that marry playfulness with relevance and poignancy.
When not in the hot seat as a DP, their experience has been largely focused on post-production. They have edited various promotional videos, narrative shorts, and feature films. Their experience with visual effects includes compositing, 3D tracking, rotoscoping, particle simulations, and motion graphics/keyframe animation inside Adobe After Effects, as well as planar/mesh tracking in Mocha Pro. Additionally, They have performed color correction and grading on ~50 single and multi-camera productions with a wide variety of visual styles.